7 months agoQrew Member
Bit Math
Has anyone found functions or built functions to do bit math (i.e. And, Or, Xor)
Excel has the funtions BITAND, BITOR, and BITXOR. I'd like to have the same functinality in my Quickbase application.
Example of And:
And(4,3) = 0 (0100) and (0011) = (0000)
Or (4,3) = 7 (0100) or (0011) = (0111)
Xor(4,3) = 7 (0100) or (0011) = (0111)
And(15,3) = 3 (1111) and (0011) = (0011)
Or(15,3) = 15 (1111) or (0011) = (1111)
Xor(15,3) = 12 (1111) or (0011) = (1100)