I'm working on a Formula - Rich Text field ([Reject]) that creates a clickable "Reject" button as part of an Expense Report app. The goal is for a user to be able to type notes into a form and then c...
The way to solve this is to track every change in the Expense Report Status. Here is an architecture that will do what you want.
By having the Expense Status Change Table in between the Expense Report and the Expense Report Status, you can enter your notes about the Status Change there. Separately you may have some sort of Report Note in the Expense Report Table that the employee can enter.
The secret here is the second relationship between the Expense Report and Expense Report Status Change.
You make a Summary Field in Expense Report for the Maximum Record ID of the child table Expense Report Status Change.
Make the 2nd relationship between Expense Status Change and Expense Report where the Expense Report is the CHILD and the reference field is the field Max RID Expense Report Status Change.
Now the very last status entered becomes a Look Up field back in the Expense Report in that relationship.
When the Reject Status Change is saved, you can fire Pipelines, API calls or any other variety of integrations that you need and the Note of the person who rejected it is available.