Forum Discussion

GregoryRobinson's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Button that ignores users restrictive permissions?


I have a situation where I don't allow a user role to edit a record once the status of the record has changed. However, they need to click a button which edits the record but due to me restricting their ability to edit the record, this button will not work.

Is there a way round this? Is there a way for the button to override user's roles?


Gregory Robinson
  • There is not a way to have a button change the Users Permissions.  

    An Alternative might be to have a button that adds a record to a child table which the user does have permission to edit.  For example the table might be called Cancellation Requests (ie the record is submitted and now the user wants to update a status to CANCEL.

    Then when a child record is added there an Automation or a Pipeline could be triggered to edit the Parent record.  Automations and pipelines typically operate under Admin permissions so they can do the update to the Parent record..

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • GregoryRobinson's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Thanks for your reply!

      That's a clever solution. In my case not sure it will work because part of this button is to create a new record and copy fields across too, while editing the existing.

      Many thanks,

      Gregory Robinson
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        well a Pipeline or Automation can have many steps, like edit a record here and add a record there ....

        Mark Shnier (YQC)