4 years agoQrew Member
Button to Check, Pause, Uncheck, Refresh
I am trying to create a formula URl button that will check [Check Box A], pause by calling a Code Page, uncheck [Check Box A] then refresh to call a Pipeline, the pause being to give the Pipeline time to trigger.
I was using one of Kirk Trachy's Magic Buttons but I need to change it at some stage because it contains java code.
So far I've got this but not sure what the Code Page "URl is to execute" is.
//Check FID 367 then Uncheck FID 367
var text url =
URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?act=API_EditRecord&apptoken=c7y3n83dz8fuc2n8jum5dzq4iky&rid=" & [Record ID#] & "&_fid_367=1&rdr=" &
URLEncode(URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?act=API_EditRecord&apptoken=c7y3n83dz8fuc2n8jum5dzq4iky&rid=" & [Record ID#] & "&_fid_367=0"));
//Call Code Page
var text callCodePage =
URLRoot() & "db/" & AppID() & "?a=dbpage&pageid=10" // Open CodePage 9
& "&url=" & URLEncode($urlToExecute) // Pass in the URL to execute
// Add some button styling
var text style = "style='background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #00b300 0%, #00b300 100%); background-color:#00b300;color: white;' ";
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Tim Egerton
I am trying to create a formula URl button that will check [Check Box A], pause by calling a Code Page, uncheck [Check Box A] then refresh to call a Pipeline, the pause being to give the Pipeline time to trigger.
I was using one of Kirk Trachy's Magic Buttons but I need to change it at some stage because it contains java code.
So far I've got this but not sure what the Code Page "URl is to execute" is.
//Check FID 367 then Uncheck FID 367
var text url =
URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?act=API_EditRecord&apptoken=c7y3n83dz8fuc2n8jum5dzq4iky&rid=" & [Record ID#] & "&_fid_367=1&rdr=" &
URLEncode(URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?act=API_EditRecord&apptoken=c7y3n83dz8fuc2n8jum5dzq4iky&rid=" & [Record ID#] & "&_fid_367=0"));
//Call Code Page
var text callCodePage =
URLRoot() & "db/" & AppID() & "?a=dbpage&pageid=10" // Open CodePage 9
& "&url=" & URLEncode($urlToExecute) // Pass in the URL to execute
// Add some button styling
var text style = "style='background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #00b300 0%, #00b300 100%); background-color:#00b300;color: white;' ";
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Tim Egerton