Forum Discussion

JasonPhenicie's avatar
Qrew Trainee
8 years ago

Can I have my collaborators dropdown (comes from another table) in my projects form only show ones matching the specified department and don't have inactive checked?

My collaborators table has all of the information about our "clients," including a checkbox to mark them inactive. Our projects form has two dropdowns... the first is for department (user selects first) and then the collaborators list changes to match only those who match the selected department. I want it to match collaborators in the selected department who do NOT have the inactive checkbox checked.

2 Replies

  • No problem, assuming that the drop down is is based off a relationship, you can edit the field properties for  the field likely called [Related collaborator] and you will see a checkbox to enable 

    Conditional values:  The values in this field depend on a selection in another field

    That will allow you to filter on the department matching.
    Then separately, make a report of just Active Collaborators with just the column for the Collaborator name on the report.
    Set the report to be visible by no Roles, as you do not want anyone to mess with it.  Call it drop down list of active collaborators.
    Then edit the FORM properties for that drop down field and change the "report" to be used form what is now probably just the default record picker report to instead be that report that you  just made.  
  • Lets say you have a "Job" Table and a "Job's Detail" Table.  The Job has the main data of the job, address etc..  Then the Jobs Details has line item details (Billables). There is a JobNumber on both tables.  Can I have a drop down on the "Jobs Detail" table from the "Jobs" table where field "Status" is active and pull only active Job Numbers?