Forum Discussion

MaritzaAcosta's avatar
Qrew Trainee
9 months ago

Can you use pipelines to send emails to different groups/emails for a record?

Hello I want to start working on app for tracking mdt appointments. the appointments can have 5 possible departments in the meeting. 

 I wanted to see if it was possible to set up pipelines to send and if selected department is marked can it send an email of the record where it has the details of the appointment. If the department is not marked the email wont be sent to them. 

Or would it be best to just have a table with the emails have a relationship with the appointment table and then Have a pipeline send an email to all representatives added to a record? 

Or would I have to create notifications for each department so it be sent to their emails. 

What would be the best way to go about it? Thank you in advance for your time and help. 

  • If these emails are going to internal staff, then I suggest that using a Pipeline is overkill and more complexity than you need.

    Quickbase supports native email Notifications and Subscriptions.  Notifications fire instantly when a record is added or changed in some way, and Subscriptions will deliver a reports to users. 

    So I would suggest exploring Notifications and Subscriptions first.  Feel free to post back wiht more questions.