Forum Discussion

Anne-ClaireMark's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Cascading Dropdown

I have read the information on conditional and cascading dropdowns.  I'm wondering if there is a different way to accomplish the data entry illustrated in this example. 
On a single form, we would like user to be able to create and add events, enter various data about the event, choose a Category for the event from a dropdown list, then choose a Subcategory from a dropdown list that is dependent on the Category chosen.

So far I have
- Category and Subcategory tables related to the parent tables (one to many) and to each other
- a grid edit form with the Category dropdown working properly
- but the Subcategory dropdown shows <Browse Choices> instead of the desired list of Subcategories, when <Browse Choices> is selected a pop-up window displays instead of a dropdown list.

Is there a way to get the conditional dropdown menu to show up in the grid edit - perhaps using a different method completely, such as shared fields?

Thank you!

Anne-Claire Markle

2 Replies

  • Can you check your fields for related parent and see if you have accidentally checked the box called
    Use record picker
    If that box is checked it will force that browse method rather than a simple drop-down list.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • Anne-ClaireMark's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thank you Mark,
      I have gotten the basics to work.

      Anne-Claire Markle