Forum Discussion

MarkShnier__You's avatar
Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
2 years ago


There was one earlier post on this Forum which referred to Chat GPT.  At the time, a couple of weeks ago, I didn't really "get" what Chat GPT was about.    Chat GPT is an AI system co-founded by Microsoft which will respond conversationally in a very human-like way about any subject.  It is now in free Beta.

Chances are, if you are on this Community Forum, you are a more than a bit of a technology nerd so you have an "obligation" to understand what its about.  :)   Chat GPT will change the world.  I would encourage you to give it a try.  Just google Chat GPT.

Here is an example of a one sentence Quickbase Application design question and its response.  But it can also do your kid's homework essays up to about 1st year university level.

What relationships are required for a Quickbase application to track Work Orders

In order to track work orders in a Quickbase application, the following relationships may be required:

  1. A relationship between the work order table and the customer table, to link each work order to the customer it is associated with.

  2. A relationship between the work order table and the technician table, to link each work order to the technician responsible for completing it.

  3. A relationship between the work order table and the inventory table, to link each work order to the inventory items it requires.

  4. A relationship between the work order table and the service table, to link each work order to the service it requires.

  5. A relationship between the work order table and the billing table, to link each work order to the billing information for the customer.

  6. A relationship between the work order table and the status table, to link each work order to its current status and keep track of the progress of the work order

The exact relationships required will depend on the specific requirements of the application and the information you need to track.

Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)

6 Replies

  • DonLarson's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    Sky Net has become self aware.

    Don Larson
  • There will certainly be use cases that people find very useful.  Of course some good will come of this.  Unfortunately the way this will change the world will ultimately be for the worse, and the negative will overshadow the benefit.

    Just wait and see.  You may or may not be alive for it to become obvious, but probably you will be.

    And all nerds, geeks, whatever: you don't have to know anything about this to succeed at what you are currently doing, or in most cases, at what you do professionally in the future (unless you are in very specific fields).  No "obligation".
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      Right, it's not an obligation, I was kidding about that.  But the general awareness of Chat GPT is going to spread exponentially over the next few months.  

      I saw a cool video (OK I admit is was on, yes, Tiktok) where they pasted in a job description for a job posting and asked to have a cover letter written. Then followed up with a cut and paste of a resume and the request to redo the cover letter taking in the resume experience into account.  Then followed up by a request to make the paragraphs shorter and a bit "cheeky" (he was British), to better catch the attention of the screener. 

      That is probably an example of where the world will be change for the worse because as a hiring company, you will not be able to tell who wrote the cover letter.

      Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
      • WilliamHunter's avatar
        Qrew Trainee

        I am trying to find some middleware to link chat GPT's API to quickbase, but it looks like this may have to be a custom build. 

        William Hunter