Forum Discussion
3 years agoQrew Legend
Can you post the code for Add Child Button and also what is the Field ID of the Related Threat field.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
Mark Shnier (YQC)
3 years agoQrew Member
Hi Mark, thank you for your help
Related Threat field ID is 23
Diane Sinawi
Related Threat field ID is 23
Diane Sinawi
- MarkShnier__You3 years agoQrew LegendI think I know what is going on. I suggest that you check the set up in advance settings for the parent table and make sure that the record picker fields are appropriate. The first and perhaps only field you need for the record picker would be the threat. My guess is that the record picker may have the department as the field which is being offered to the user to help them choose a threat.
The other thing you want to do in that relationship in the first screenshot is to do a look up of the name of the threat. Edit the field for related threat and set a proxy field for that field to be the name of the threat. I think if you do both those things everything will make sense.
Mark Shnier (YQC)
------------------------------- DianeSinawi13 years agoQrew MemberYou were correct - the record picker field was set to dept. I changed to Record ID, and the correct related threat ID# is now populating in Related Threat field when I add an incident.
I'm not sure I need a proxy field, as all of us using this understand what Related Threat field should populate with and I can generate reports for incidents that include related threat number, which is fine. But I'll look into it.
Thank you so much for your help!!!
Diane Sinawi