Forum Discussion

NickBellows's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Conditional Look Ups across Tables in 1 App

I have a table with a record for each Cohort.  Within a Cohort Record are fields for identifying the Director, Manager, Analyst assigned to that Cohort.
For example: 
Cohort A; Director=Tom, Manager=Jane, Analyst=Mary
Cohort B; Director=Angela, Manager=Glen, Analyst=Stef

I have a second table with tasks by position.
For example:
Task 1; create kickoff presentation; Director
Task 2; Schedule presentation; Manager
Task 3; Present; Analyst

In the second Table, when I select the Cohort for a task, I want to pull in the appropriate person based on the Position that owns the task.
For example:
I assign Cohort A on Task 1. Since the Position is Director I want to pull in Tom.
I assign Cohort B on Task 2.  Since the Position is Manager I want to Pull in Glen.

I have created a table to table relationship that allows me to Choose the Cohort for the task in Table 2 from Table 1.  But I can't figure out how to make the person field populate based on the combination of Cohort and Position.

In reality I will have more than 50 positions and the people in those positions can change from Cohort to Cohort.

I suspect there is some sort of Get Values type formula needed here but I am stumped.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

Nick Bellows
  • Can you create 3 lookup fields for the director, manager, and analyst, and then just create a formula user field on your task table?

    Formula on task table would be: If([Position]="Manager", [Manager Lookup Field], "Director", [Director Lookup Field],....)

    Mike Tamoush
    • NickBellows's avatar
      Qrew Member
      My concern is scale.  My example is a much scaled down version of my actual situation.  In reality I have something like 50 positions and will eventually have dozens of cohorts.  I don't want to the field to be selectable from a list of Managers to choose.  I want it to populate with the name for that position in Table 1. 

      I am starting to think that because of the conditional nature i.e. Task 2 is assigned to Cohort B and the owner of that task is Manager, I need to create a query to the First Table.  Not sure I know how to do that.

      Nick Bellows
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        I suggest that you make a Child table of Cohort Positions.
        One Cohort has many Cohort Positions.  Set a Custom Key field to be the hyphenated value of [Related Cohort] and Position.

        Make a formula to calculate the key field and then use a form rule to populate the scalar Key field.

        Then this Cohort Positions table can be a Parent to Tasks.  The field for Related Cohort Position on the child can be calculated.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)