Forum Discussion

RhondaParriet's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Connected table key field

I have two applications. the table in app 1 is connected to app 2.
The key field in the table in app 2 is an input field in app 1.
If I change the value in the input field in app 1, will that mess up the connection for app 2 or will the data automatically refresh app 2?

Rhonda Parriet

3 Replies

  • It would be easier to answer if you used real table names and explained which is the parent and which is the child and what the Key field is of the parent table.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • RhondaParriet's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Application one is management
      application two is communications
      Communications has a table called facility that is connected data from management.
      Facility has a key field called plant code.  the code in the management application is wrong and needs to be changed.  facility in communications has 6 table to table relationships with other tables in communications with a field called related facility.

      I need to change the facility code in management and I'm trying to see the ramifications for the communications application

      Rhonda Parriet
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        I think that the gist of what you are saying is this.

        One Facility has Many Communication Table 1 records.
        One Facility has Many Communication Table 2 records.
        One Facility has Many Communication Table 6 records.

        The Key field of Facility is Facility Code.

        If you change the value of the facility code for a single Facility (or for several), all the related child tables record will be orphaned as they will still have the old facility code.

        However, since you know what the old code was and what the new code was, you will be be able to go to each of the 6 tables and either use grid edit or else use the feature on the old report style to "Find and Replace".  It is not difficult to do but you need to be in a calm quiet environment and methodically keep track of these mass updates that you are doing as you work though each of the six child tables and for however many Facilities need to have their code corrected.  It's also something you probably want to do after hours because it will confuse regular users while you are making these changes.  

        I suggest that you Copy the Communications App as a safety net before you do that to preserve the data "just in case".  It does not cost anything to copy an App so you may as well take a couple of clicks and do it.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)