Forum Discussion

NileshPatel's avatar
Qrew Member
7 years ago

Copy set of records(questions) to another table when creating a new record from one table

I am trying to create one table with a set of questions which will be visible on another table and then post to another table.  The first table with the questions would be a template so i can easily update questions and make active based on a flagged field.  The second table would be the so called survey table for users and the third table would be the answers to the questions for easier reporting.

2 Replies

  • Conditional Drop Downs. 

    What is your criteria for what list of questions will be available to the user?

    you need a reason for the specific list of questions are asked, then you can either just go down the list recording the responses or make it so if question 1 is answered A B or C go to this certain list of questions next.
  • I have 27 questions that need to be asked on a monthly basis, which might change from month to month(so one month might have 27 questions, next month might have 30 or just one of the 27 questions is changed).  My thoughts were that table A be the list(template)of questions based on what is being asked for that month.  I can go into table A and add a question, and have a checkbox field which makes it active so it will load on the form based on that criteria.

    The need for table C would be to holding the question and answer for every month, so that we can report\view based on months.

    I am trying to avoid creating that many columns per question and thought that relationship would be more efficient.

    Hope that clears it up?