Forum Discussion

JimLieder's avatar
Qrew Member
11 years ago

Copying new address from parent to child record

I'm trying to copy the billing address (in the parent table) to a service address (in the child table) using the fid #'s of the individual components in a formula field, but no address information is copying.

Here's the formula I'm using to create the Service Address:

URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_SERVICE_ADDRESS] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_24=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#]) &
"&_fid_35=" & URLEncode ([Billing Address: Street 1]) &
"&_fid_36=" & URLEncode ([Billing Address: Street 2]) &
"&_fid_37=" & URLEncode ([Billing Address: City]) &
"&_fid_38=" & URLEncode ([Billing Address: State/Region]) &
"&_fid_39=" & URLEncode ([Billing Address: Postal Code]) &
"&z=" & Rurl()

The "Service Address" field in the Service Address Table is fid 34, so Street 1 is 35, Street 2 is 36, etc.

Have others gotten this to work for them?

5 Replies

  • I would be surprised if this works in edit mode.  They must have some close tie in with google under the covers to use their address base, so if you go ahead and stuff in address components which don't match google's database, then that would create a problem, so I would guess its "read only" for those field components.  But that is just a guess.  

    Plan B would be to do the address fields "the old way (field by field)" and then concatenate the pieces back together in a nice vertical format but then you lose the mapping functionality if that is important to you.
  • I think you should file a support case on this.  I tried to replicate this on a test app, and saw the same behavior.

    When using the API, you can set the individual elements of an Address field - so I would have expected formula URLs to also be able to set the values of the individual elements in the same way.

    I also tried to achieve the same results by using form rules to set the Service Address (in the child record) to the same values as the Billing Address (in the parent record) - but looks like the Service Address is not accessible to change via form rules.  Again - I think this functionality should be there - to make Address fields more useful.

    Let us know what you find out from Support!
  • Xavier Fan - thanks for the response.  I submitted a support ticket this morning.
  • JasonJohnson's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Nobody has responded in years so here is the how to make it work. We had the same issue and I made a resolution that is simple. I converted the field to a text before sending over the data.
    URLEncode (totext([Billing Address: Street 1]))