Forum Discussion
10 Replies
- MarceloBenavideQrew Cadet
Hello Aaron, I was able to do this with the help of a couple of pages of code and a table to control the status of the pipeline execution. But it is not a functionality that exists in quickbase.
Marcelo Benavides Torres
Marcelo Benavides
------------------------------- AaronBQrew Trainee
Thanks for affirming this Marcelo.
Aaron B
------------------------------- ChayceDuncanQrew Captain
What specifically do you have the Pipeline doing? If you're able to go the code page route per Marcelo's comment - you can instead just have the code page handle the record creation and redirect to the new record upon completion. The Quickbase API will return the new record ID and a simple window.location.replace will take you there.
If the Pipeline is more complex and doing more than just creating the record you may need something more elegant, but if it's just an add record and redirect you can consider getting rid of the pipeline in favor of a simple code page.
Chayce Duncan