Forum Discussion

MaryPerkins's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

cross table deletions question

Hey All,

So I just launched my first app for a non-profit organization. When we went to delete my test data from the main parent table, none of the data on subsequent child tables were deleted. My understanding is that all associated data in other tables should have been deleted as well. What did I set up incorrectly or miss in the set up process?


Mary Perkins
M3TR1CS Business Solutions
  • just a guess on my part ....if you added in your own extra table(s) and your own extra child data attached to the parent example  records, they would not have been auto deleted.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • MaryPerkins's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Ok. That makes sense. I'll go and test in the system with new dummy data. I have taken away access to the child tables so no one can actually add directly to them anymore. I'm learning new things everyday. LOL 

      Thanks for your help!

      Mary Perkins
      M3TR1CS Business Solutions