Forum Discussion

DavidDavid7's avatar
Qrew Trainee
10 years ago

csv export report without field names on first row of data


I'm trying to create a simple report which produces CSV output, but I do not want the field names included.

Rather than forcing my users to manually delete the first row of data each time, is there some kind of hidden parameter I can user in the URL (or maybe generate the CSV via an API call?)



2 Replies

  • Tested in Chrome and Firefox:

    Pastie Database

    Just substitute your dbid, qid and filename and paste into the JavaScript console (press F12 to expose) to test. The script (1) converts you query from a normal query to a csv query, (2) removes the header line and (3) saves it to the specified file automatically! The script can easily be integrated into your application in a number of exciting ways.

    See Screenshot attached.
  • I know this is an old post... but how can I implement this in the case of say an embedded report, which the report settings are "show all" but I really need it filtered depending on a Related Record ID?