I would have to see your application. If I were to revisit this application I would use another method of detecting changes. The approach I used compared the value of hidden field (eg
_fid_oval_6) with the value of the field at the time the form was attempted to be saved (eg
_fid_6). This is not actually the best way to accomplish the task as the hidden fields sometimes have a different formatting then the displayed field value. For example, phone numbers have a hidden field formatted as
8005551212 while the displayed value might be
(800) 555-1212. A better approach wold be to just capture the field value when the form first opens before any edits are applied and to not reference the hidden field QuickBase creates.
To debug your situation just console.log all the relevant variables:
console.log{oldValue, newValue, fid, name);
It will be obvious what the problem is. Also note I did not attempt to deal with multiline test fields and some other lesser used field types.