Forum Discussion

MrunaliKadam's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Different behavior of filters in different environments

Hi Everyone,

I've added filters on the reports which shows up differently on different environments (copy/dev and prod version). 

Submission Status field -> Filter values: Proposal Submitted, Proposal Closed
In 1st env. "Proposal Submitted" records show up 1st whereas in 2nd env. (production) "Proposal Closed" ones show up 1st. Users do not want to see closed records 1st. 

I'm not sure how does sort and group from low to high work for text. Please advice. 

Thank you!

Mrunali Kadam
  • If the sort field is a multiple choice field type, then it will sort according to the field properties of that multiple choice field.  Multiple choice fields can either be set to sort Alpha or "in the order" above.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)