Forum Discussion

RikkiRyan's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Document Status Colors and Reporting

Hi! An old company I worked for used Quickbase years ago and I'm trying to replicate something they did with documents. Can someone help me achieve the need below?

  • Process need: When we upload files to our Documents table, we want a YELLOW status to appear. When they are reviewed, we'd like to approve (GREEN) or reject (RED) them. If the doc is not uploaded, we'd like to see a GRAY status box.
  • My start: 
    • Created the following fields:
      • "Document Name"
        • Multiple Choice (Ex. "Permit" could be selected here)
      • "Approved"
        • Checkbox
      • "Rejected"
        • Checkbox

    • Created the following fields for EACH document listed in the multiple choice field:
      • Ex. "Permit: Uploaded"
        • Formula - Date:

          ToDate([Date Created])
      • Ex. "Permit: Status"
        • Formula - Rich Text:

          If(IsNull([Permit: Uploaded]),  "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"\"></div>",

          If(([Approved] = false and [Rejected] = false), "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"\"></div>",

          If([Approved] = true,  "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"\"></div>",

          If([Rejected] = true, "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"\"></div>"))))

  • My problem:
    • Everything above works great to see individual doc statuses, but I cannot figure out how to create a report with columns to see a list of ALL documents, their uploaded dates, and their statuses (since I could only figure out the above by making "Uploaded" and "Status" fields for each doc):
      • Document Name | Document Uploaded | Document Status

Rikki Ryan
  • I should have added - I needed the "Uploaded" and "Status" for EACH document to be able to use these fields for reporting in other tables.

    Also, I solved my own problem - but if anyone runs into a similar issue, I will leave this thread here.

    Solution: I added a general "Document Status" Formula - Rich Text field to use as a column in reporting on all doc statuses:

    If(IsNull([Date Created]),  "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"\"></div>",

    If(([Approved] = false and [Rejected] = false), "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"\"></div>",

    If([Approved] = true,  "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"\"></div>",

    If([Rejected] = true, "<div align=\"center\"><img src=\"\"></div>"))))

    Rikki Ryan