Forum Discussion

RebeccaMoore's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Drop Down Menus

This is a little complicated to explain.  I have a table that lists company information, including contacts.  Not all of the locations will have the same kind of contacts.  Is there a way to add a multiple choice menu where when you pick the type of contact you want to display, it would then give you the option to fill in the fields for that type of contact?  Here's a screenshot of what I am currently working with, but basically we would like to clean this up.

Rebecca Moore

2 Replies

  • PaulPeterson1's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    You need to set up a Conditional Drop Down.  This post does a nice job of explaining the setup.

    Paul Peterson
  • Rebecca, a much better design would be to have a child table of contacts and that way you can add as many contacts as you like and identify them by Type of Contact.

    But if you did want to stick with your current design, then you will want to use Dynamic Form Rules to show or hide certain fields depending on the multi choice field you mentioned.

    But when making those rules, be sure to think about them a row at a time.

    For example, for the row of fields for Buyer/Purchasing, make a rule to control that row.

    Then make a separate row for the "Accounts payable".  That way your rules will not conflict with each other.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach