Forum Discussion

OrielDotan's avatar
Qrew Member
10 months ago

Dropdown list depends on another field selection


I have 2 dropdowns fields: 'Category' and 'Subcategory'.

In 'Category' field I have dropdown of the below value: A, B, C

And in 'Subcategory' field I have dropdown of the below value: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

Is there a way to show just part of 'Subcategory' dropdown list depend on my selection in 'Category' field?

For Example:

If I will select Category A, 'Subcategory' dropdown will show me only 1,2,3

If I will select Category B, 'Subcategory' dropdown will show me only 4,5.

and If I will select Category C, 'Subcategory' dropdown will show me only 6,7,8.

Thanks in advance,

Ori Dotan

  • What you are looking for is a conditional dropdown. This can be done if your Subcategory dropdown is a related field (Subcategory is a parent to whatever table you are in). In that case, make a subcategories table and have 2 fields. 'Subcategory' and 'Category this Subcategory is part of'.

    Then on your form, edit the related subcategory field and check conditional dropdown, where 'Category in this table' matches 'Category this Subcategory is a part of' on the related field.

    Typically, this is actually done with a category table AND a subcategory table. Categories have many subcategories. Subcategories have many of whatever your main table is. This step isnt necessary for the conditional dropdown to work (your category dropdown could be a typical multiple choice field), but it's more common to have both the category nd subcategory to be related fields to additional tables.

    Mike Tamoush