Forum Discussion

ToddMolino's avatar
Qrew Cadet
6 years ago

Enlarging a Thumbnail by Clicking On It

Hello All, 
I have a formula rich text field that stores a thumbnail image. My goal is to have the user simply click on the thumbnail on the form and have the image enlarge for better viewing. I don't want them to select the image link. I want them to click on the image itself. Any takers? Thanks in advance. Here's what I'm starting with: 

"<a href='" & "bm6i79ifi" & "/a/r" & [Maximum Station Photo Record ID#] & "/e21/v0' target='_blank' > " & "<img src='" & "bm6i79ifi" & "/a/r" & [Maximum Station Photo Record ID#] & "/e22/v0' height='150' width='150' alt='' />" & "</a>"


  • You could probably use an image modal:

    Modal Image Code

    I haven't been able to get the correct syntax yet.

    Adam Keever