Forum Discussion

MannyPinheiro1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Entering minutes and seconds, How?


I'm trying to establish a duration field and in it I would like to accurately represent minutes and seconds.

I was able to do this by creating a Numeric field [Length] where users enter in a value like 4.12 ( 4 min 12 seconds ) and in the duration field I have this Formula : Minutes([Length]).

With this - the duration field will have this value "4.12 mins". Thats ok, but I have 2 issues.

1 - How can I get the value to be 4:12 mins

2 - I noticed that sometimes the duration value will output to "4.309983333333" mins when 4.31 is entered in the Numeric field.

I might be complicating things - the must be an easier way, but #2 is my bigger issue. I need to accurately represent minutes and seconds.


Manny Pinheiro

4 Replies

  • Hi Many!

    If you want to represent 4.12 as 4:12, in your formula use the formula below. It separates the part before the decimal as the minutes and the part after as the seconds.

    Then make sure you have your units set to how you'd like them to look (smart units can cause weird results).

    Let me know if this solves your issue šŸ‘šŸ˜Š

    Sharon Faust (
    Founder, Quick Base Junkie
    • MannyPinheiro1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thank You Sharon. This definitely pushed me in the right direction! 
      I really appreciate it.

      Manny Pinheiro
  • DonLarson's avatar
    Qrew Commander

    Where is your duration data coming from?   Are the Users entering the duration directly, are the entering a stop and start time which you are calculating the duration or perhaps a functioning start and stop process so that Quick Base holds it.

    Depending on your process an elegant solution can come out of it.

    Don Larson
    Westlake OH
    • Quick_BaseJunki's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Great idea Don!

      I have a video on this type of function...

      Sharon Faust (
      Founder, Quick Base Junkie