Forum Discussion

AudreyBenenati's avatar
Qrew Cadet
5 years ago

Exact forms instructions needed

​We have a QuickBase Platform plan.

Can anyone clarify?

1. For embedding child records--this article says to replace certain fields with DBIDs of tables. Where do I find those? I searched extensively.

2. I followed the instructions in the article and I get the following. I tried searching for these and got no search results. Can anyone point me in the right direction for instructions?

  1. Fonts that change sizes even though the font is consistent within my document
  2. Fonts that change colors even though it is all black in my document
  3. Header and footer totally missing
  4. Exact form in html format--The instructions do not mention how to export the exact form. I figured out how to add a button within my QuickBase data entry form and generate the exact form, but it's not helpful since it can't be exported.
I feel like I am missing part of the Help screens or something? Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction? Thanks


1 Reply

  • I can at least answer the 1st question... DBIDs can be found in the hyperlinks of tables... you'll have for example.

    ABCXYZ is the TableID or DBID for that specific table.

    Ryan Stanford