Forum Discussion
The Pipeline will only kick off upon saving. A new record is created as soon as it is saved the first time, independent of what is being selected on the form.
However, I don't think you ever actually said what the issue is. Sounds like your pipeline is kicking off - is the problem something to do with the related field not being filled in correctly? Can you explain the actual issue you are running into?
Mike Tamoush
The issue is the pipeline is running as soon as I make the first selection. It is creating a new record, as expected, but with only part of the primary field I need.
An example is Property selected = 113, Year selected = 2022-2023. Formula field calculates to "113 - " after making the Property selection. Checkbox is unchecked as there is no match in the related table, so pipeline runs and creates a new record with 113 - as the primary key. This is incorrect. The primary key should be the combination of Property and Year (113 - 2022-2023). Since the new related record's primary key is only 113 - it does not link back to my parent table and thus the checkbox is never checked.