Forum Discussion

FatimaKhan's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 months ago

Formula Help to Make Field Unique


I need help with a formula i am trying to use. I found this in another discussion from last year but it did not work for me.

If([Audit Type] = "Standard Monthly", [Verint ID] or [Audit Type]= "New Hire", [Verint ID] or [Audit Type]= "Soft-Landing", [Verint ID])

I want to use my multiple choice field "Audit Type" to determine when the "Verint ID" field should be unique. I tried the formula above and it gives me the error below. It will not allow me to save any record for the 3 choices above even when the "Verint ID" is unique.


  • Your formula seems to have syntax errors so I'm surprised it saved.



    [Audit Type] = "Standard Monthly", [Verint ID],

    [Audit Type]= "New Hire", [Verint ID],

    [Audit Type]= "Soft-Landing", [Verint ID])