I used to have a refresh button that when clicked will save the record and then open the record in edit mode. This button was using javascript below. "<a class='Vibrant Success' onclick=$('#Redirec...
I was able to finally get a solution from QuickBase. The idea is to have a field in the parent that always gets modified when the record is opened. In order to achieve this every time, you must create a formula text field called "Change From" with the formula ToText(Now()) & ToText(MSecond(ToTimeOfDay(Now()))). Then, create another field called "Change to" which will be a regular text field. Then add a form rule like below.
The value of Change From will always evaluate to the nearest millisecond. This means that the Change To will always get modified whenever you click the Refresh button. The formula for the refresh button is
var text rid = If([Record ID#]>0, ToText([Record ID#]), "%%rid%%");
var text url = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=er&rid=" & $rid;