Forum Discussion

TraciSchefdore's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Grant View Permission by User vs Role

Is there a way to restrict permission to view/modify records that contain the field "restricted" for users in different roles? I have one user (engineer) and one user (supplier) that want to keep certain records confidential to themselves until the restricted indicator is removed. Is this possible?

4 Replies

  • No problem.

    In the role that these users are in, you can set a Custom Permission Rule and there will be a little pop up box to define the permission rule.

    like where a certain field does not equal Restricted.

    If the rule is complex, then you can make a formula field and do the rule by formula, such as a formula checkbox field called [Role XYZ allowed to see?]
  • I think that would only change the permissions for the role and not just a specific user?
    What I'm trying to create is a permission that is not role specific but user specific.
    For example, only Holly (engineer role) and Dan (supplier) role can see records that are flagged restricted. All other users cannot see these records regardless of role.
  • OK, so how about this.
    Users are allowed to be in multiple Roles.  In that situation, Quick Base gives the most access possible based on all the roles.

    So the regular roles get limited to not see Restricted.

    Then set up a new Role called "Allowed to see Restricted".  Highly limits what that rile can do, for example for any of the other tables,  that role should have no access at all.  But for the table in question here, give that Role access where the records are Restricted.  (or for that matter access simply to all records).

    The for specific users in addition to being in their Regular Roles, they would also be in the Role called "Allowed to see Restricted".

    Be sure to sort that new Role last so it will not affect which tables or dashboards they see.  You can drag and drop the Role sequence.