Forum Discussion

ArchiveUser's avatar
Qrew Captain
8 years ago

How do I change email address for users?

My company was purchased by a different company and now I would like to change users email address' to the new company's email address.  How do I do that?
Thank you,

10 Replies

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    I'm assuming you already changed all their emails to the new domain (

    You will actually need to add those new emails as users to the application, and remove the old users/emails.  

    "Users" have a unique ID that is always associated with one email.  That ID can never change (unless QuickBase Support, has a manual way to reassign those)

    Then anywhere in the app that uses those user dropdowns you will want to start using the new emails.  You should't lose any historical information, even if you remove the old users.
  • Currently our employees have two email addresses during a transition period.  I added my new email address and it is showing "not in company".  I would like for both domains to be considered "in company" for a short period of time.  How to I change the company domain in quickbase?  The person who initially setup our account is no longer with the company so I'm trying to get everything changed over to the new company but struggling a bit so any help is appreciated.  
  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    I realized I didn't answer the question fully.  There is a 2nd options, but this might be too late for your situation.

    Each individual user can change their own email address that is associated with their User ID.  The only caveat to this is the new email has to be new to quickbase (i.e. It can never have been used, ever, for any account)  This is why I think it might be too late if you have already added the new email as users.

    How they change it would be going to "My Preferences"

    Then then changing the email (they can also change their listed Name or username to make logging in easier)

    QuickBase claims they will soon allow Account Admins to make these changes globally, but I have not seen that release yet.
  • Thank you Matthew.  I had one of my team change their email address this morning and that worked well.  I, unfortunately, can't do that for myself as I created a new login yesterday for myself with the new email address.  I'll have the rest of my team just change it in their preferences.

    Thank you very much for your help with this.
    • ArchiveUser's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      QuickBase's support team can assist you in switching your emails around on your two user accounts.
  • Hi @Matthew,

    I have a similar situation.

    Say we have our quickbase domain :

    and we have client users with email Id as

    now this client has their separate quickbase domain :
    and the users email have been updated to say

    Now I need to update the users email ID from =>

    What is the best approach to do this?

    Thanks in advance.

    • MCFNeil's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Best bet is to have them change their email in their preferences, but if they are already using that email in a different account, you will have to add the new email, and remove the old user.  

      Then you'll have to update any important records that might have the old user listed.  It wont delete the old user from old records, but just any user field going forward.
    • LeoLeo's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Thank you for the prompt reply.

      So I'll go ahead and add  new users with the updated email ID.

      I have approx 100 users whose email ID need to be updated.

      Is there a way where I can map these 100 new users to their old user accounts and do a bulk update?

      Or do I need to go in individually and update a single record at a time?

    • MCFNeil's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      To change all the users on the tables of your app, you can do a mass update if you can successfully do a 'vlookup' in excel.

      You will need the old email list (so make sure you export the user list, before you remove the old users)

      Then once you add the new emails as users (can be done via import as well, or provisioning users through the account admin panel).  Export the new list too.

      Then if you have a table like "resources" that has all of those users, you will need to do an export, including the user field AND whatever the key field is for the table (most likely [Record ID#])

      Perform your vlookup to match the new to the old record ID, then import with the updated users.