Forum Discussion

RyanRyan2's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
7 years ago

how do i set up email notifications on payment due dates?

I'm looking to set up an alert email notifications to customers when their due date is approaching. I'd like it to be triggered if payment still hasn't been made 1 week prior to due date, and another alert email to be sent when payment is overdue. 

Also, if possible if one can be sent out as a confirmation of payment received. thanks.

7 Replies

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    Quick Base does not provide this functionality natively.  i.e. sending a notification when a date changes.  But there are some options as work arounds to either force trigger the notification, or use on outside service to send the emails.
  • Set Triggers.

    Using Quickbase Actions, When record is modified and after the change is made in Start Date AND after the change all of these conditions are trueStart date is not equal to Start date snapshot then check start date modified. ( check box)  

    Sometimes it is important to use snapshot fields to record info you want to be able to check against. then use a check box for the trigger.
  • Have a checkbox with this code (modify it to fit)

    If(Today()>=[Due Date],true,false)

    Then simply make a notification where: 

    If a record was modified, select a specific field (your checkbox) and blamo!  For QB to know who to send the message to, you'll need to link to a user on your form.  The notification will have a "Notify Whom" dropdown, and select the proper field. 

    Use the same logic above for 1 week prior notification, etc.

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    The kicker on all of the above suggestions, is that the record would have to be modified.  Which doesn't always happen in the time window you are looking for.  So I wouldn't rely on that method.
    • ScottMarks's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Wouldn't a change with a formula checkbox trigger a "modification"?  I'm fairly certain I have a few notifications setup this way. 
    • MCFNeil's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Only if it changes because of the conditions that change during a record edit.  i.e. If I change the due date, and now its true.

      BUT, it will not happen over night, i.e. The due date stays, but as the date changes from July 25th, to July 26th at midnight.  This is not a record edit, thus no notification.
    • RyanRyan2's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      so overall, is there a better option for me? or is a process not overly developed yet to do something like this without detailed coding?