Forum Discussion

MinZheng's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

How to change connected file name in Dropbox folder

Please find the following screen snapshot of connection history.

After I built a connected table connecting to a file "Boppy2.csv". It was successful.

Then when I was trying to add another connection, the connected file name was suddenly changed to "BHLicensing Input2.csv", and to have "Refresh failure" all the time.

How to change the connected file back to "Boppy2.csv"?

4 Replies

  • Hi Min Zheng,

    When you were making changes to this Sync were you attempting to set it up to Sync from two different places into the same table? A Sync table can only support a single sync connection at one time. So it can only have one connection, if you then select user a different connection it will change over to the new source which may not be compatible with the table you have already created. Is that the case that you attempted to add a second connection?
  • Thank you Evan for the quick response.

    I have two tables, Table 1 connects to "Boppy2.csv". Table 2 connects to "Backhaul Input file2.csv".

    I cannot recall what I have done. Suddenly Table 1 connected to "Backhaul Input file2.csv" (Please find the history screen snapshot I provided, the target file name was changed), and cannot change back to "Boppy2.csv".

    Current, I only have an alternative approach: I created a new table 3 connecting to "Boppy2.csv". And I am copying all the designs (formulas, relationships, etc.) from table 1 to table 3. Then to delete table 1.

    I believe there should be a better way to deal with this to save the trouble of copying design.



  • Hi Min Zheng,

    It sounds like from your description that the connection for table 1 got changed to use the same connection as table 2. It is possible when you open up the connected table settings to change over to a different connection for the table. Alternatively it is possible that someone put the file Backhaul Input file2.csv into the wrong file in your source location that you are syncing from, but seems less likely since rebuilding the table again with a fresh connection resolved the issue. If table 1 still existed I would suggest going into the connection settings and checking to see which connection it was using, to see if it might have been accidentally changed and then also checking the original source just to be sure nothing accidentally overlapped. 
  • I tried "Use different Connection" for table 1. I changed it to Google Drive, and a different Dropbox account, but the target file name is always point to "file2.csv". Hence no success if there is only "file1.csv".

    I curious what I have done to change the pointer from "file1.csv" to "file2.csv".
