Forum Discussion

arleta's avatar
Qrew Member
5 months ago

How to check if all emails in the list have one or another domain?


I am trying to set up a field which will check if all of the emails provided in another field of the form have got or domains.

The example of list of emails;;

I would like to have a formula that would tell me that email has got a wrong domain and can't be accepted and that only domains and can be accepted.

  • not tested but try something like this.

    var text AllEmails = [My semi delimited email list field]);

    var text EmailOne= Trim(Part($AllEmails,1,";"));
    var user UserTwo =Trim(Part($AllEmails,2,";"));
    var user UserThree= Trim(Part($AllEmails,3,";"));



    IF(not contains($EmailOne, "") and not contains($EmailOne, ""), $EmailOne),

    IF(not contains($EmailTwo, "") and not contains($EmailTwo, ""), $EmailTwo),

    IF(not contains($EmailThree "") and not contains($EmailThree, ""), $EmailThree),

    etc .. )