Forum Discussion

AnnettaColeman's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 years ago

How to enable users to create personalized dashboard filter responses? "MY Projects"

We are in soft launch of a large portfolio project management app with ~400 projects that span across numerous requestors, Project Managers, Value Chains, Impacted Markets, Impacted Systems, etc.   We have developed dashboards for each role that contain numerous filters that enable the user to get at the 'slice' of project data that they wish to view.   

Heavy users are asking for even faster access to 'their' data...   
  • Project Managers would like a MY Project page that automatically presents to them the projects assigned to them without having to select their name from the Project Manager filter.
  • Value Chain Owners would similarly like their dashboards to remember the last set of filtered preferences they used.

We do not want to get into the custom dashboard for each Project Manager mode.   They are NOT asking for new widgets, but mostly asking for the current dashboards to remember their filter preferences.   Is this possible?


Annetta Coleman
  • It is very common in Quickbase to set up reports filtered where for example project manager is the current user.

    That is to say selecting some fields and then comparing them to the current user.  Of course that is incredibly powerful when you combine that with subscription reports because with one subscription report you can send a single report for example to hundreds of users and each user will only get the projects which are relevant to them.

    So my suggestion is to set up dashboard pages having reports which are filtered on "my projects".  This probably means making a duplicate set of all your key reports. Typically most of the work involved in building a report is the first time building report and simply duplicating a report and adding an extra filter is not that much work.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • AnnettaColeman's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Mark -
      Once again your prompt response and thoughtful content not only solved my problem, but also enlightened me into other avenues not yet considered.    I appreciate you.

      Warm Regards,


      Annetta Coleman