Forum Discussion
8 years agoQrew Elite
The original example "Concatenate Children To Parent" performed the concatenation client-side (ie in your browser) as opposed to formula fields which are evaluated server-side. So while the example tossed the concatenated values into a cell of the table report and appear next to normal fields they have a different origin and you should not expect the concatenated values to export or print.
To get the export functionality what you would need to do is modify the script to generate a blob of CSV and download it through script. Here is what I think was the original post that introduced the idea of downloading "all the things" (ie anything):.
Download All The Things
Several of the Pasites use this short download() function which you can use to force a file downlolad by specifying the filename and contenxt:
If it isn't abundantly clear from similar file related questions in the forum, you can create parse, and manipulate files "out of thin air" - you don't need to start with a file attachment field or an actual file on your hard drive. Just "conjure" your needed file into existence using the Blob() constructor or other similar JavaScript affordances.
To get the export functionality what you would need to do is modify the script to generate a blob of CSV and download it through script. Here is what I think was the original post that introduced the idea of downloading "all the things" (ie anything):.
Download All The Things
Several of the Pasites use this short download() function which you can use to force a file downlolad by specifying the filename and contenxt:
function download(filename, content) {To try it out just past the above code into your console.
var blob = new Blob([content]);
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); = filename; = "none";
download("mydata.csv", "a,b,c\n1,2,3\n4,5,6");
If it isn't abundantly clear from similar file related questions in the forum, you can create parse, and manipulate files "out of thin air" - you don't need to start with a file attachment field or an actual file on your hard drive. Just "conjure" your needed file into existence using the Blob() constructor or other similar JavaScript affordances.
8 years agoQrew Trainee
Thanks, will look into this. As always, your insight / guidance is appreciated!