Forum Discussion

SpeckfishSpeckf's avatar
Qrew Member
9 years ago

I need to be able to download/export all file attachments defined in a table. Is there a script for this?

I need to be able to export all file attachments to a directory or memory drive that are being stored in one of my tables. What is the process for this? Thanks!

  • You are better off using a browser extension such DownThemAll as it contains additional features such as filtering, file renaming, retry, logging etc that you are likely to need. See:

    Firefox DownThemAll

    Just create a report that lists the file attachment field and invoke DownThemAll and fill out the relevant configuration options.
  • Thanks dandiebolt_QB_Pirate. I downloaded the add-on but I don't have knowledge about the report creation you mentioned. Can you please explain or elaborate a bit more? Thank you so much in advance!
  • Just create a report including the file attachment field and invoke the DownThemAll extension on that report page.
    • JoeAcunzo's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Paul - Looks like a great tool.  However, when I ran the Windows exe, logged in, and selected a Table, I received the error message "ERROR: An Application Token must be supplied.".  However, I was never given the opportunity to enter an App Token.  Or is it a fixed App Token.  If so, what is the App Token it is looking for so I can add it to my Quickbase app?  I searched the JavaScript code for it, but no reference to an App Token.


      Joe Acunzo
      Quick Base Solution Provider
      203-481-1222 ext. 316
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        I recently downloaded 2,000 files from QuickBase to a zip file using an extension called

        That was a tip from Dan Diebolt.

        I found it confusing using it but I muddled though and it worked fantastic.  I sent the Developer a $10 donation as its a donation funded tool.

        I happened to be using Firefox at the time.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach