Forum Discussion

BobThomas1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 years ago

I need to use the following field in a date range

I need to use the following field in a date range [cln enc date - date] It's a date-formula field.

I am trying to check for current dates, within last week (7 days)
last week 8-14 days
and then 15-21 days.

I try Boolean logic with AND and use ToDate, Today, etc but getting errors, such as mixing date and time. I just want date calculations and don't care about time of day.

I have image of the date fields there are. There are a lot of date fields, but I didn't create most of these. The [cln enc date - date] is the field that is used to match encounter records.

Bob T.
  • Try this as a formula text field to tag the date range.

    [cln enc date - date] > Today(), "Future",
    Today() - [cln enc date - date] <= days(7), "Current Week",
    Today() - [cln enc date - date] <= days(14), "Last Week",
    Today() - [cln enc date - date] <= days(21), "Previous Week", "Older Weeks")

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • TonyaJacques's avatar
      Qrew Member

      would this formula apply to a field that uses numbers instead of a date but still a range? For example: if ([days open] <= 0-22 and [HIPO/HVL] = "HVL", "In Progress")

      Tonya Jacques
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        Are you trying to check if the numeric value is between 0 and 22?

        If so, then it would be


        [days open] >=0 and [days open] <= 22 and [HIPO/HVL] = "HVL", "In Progress")

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • BobThomas1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      That's perfect Mark. I temporarily changed your values to the beginning of this week, that is 3 days ago, which is Sunday, and then 10 and 17 to check. It works, the last two weeks of data line up. 

      I understand better how to write an IF statement. I'm thinking that I can add to this and using with averages to get the report to print out. 

      I am going to go over Benjamin Buday's Empower 2021 talk on Quickbase Formulas. I will either add more logic to the dates for moving averages, etc. to see if a Summary Report or a regular report is the way to show these.

      Bob T.
      • BobThomas1's avatar
        Qrew Cadet
        Now that I understand the If statement and used in the Summary Report I can show current provider encounters per week and past weeks, I want to find averages, moving or simple averages to determine trends, such as a drop in encounters from previous weeks (months, days...).

        I created a simple report with just four column fields and labeled. I think I need to use just the middle two columns to create new fields in the report. So I can add current, previous and whatever other time period fields. Then I can perform calculations on those 'actual fields' and create a column showing a positive or negative average. 

        It looks like it would be a query such like SQL or MySQL where a date range with the provider would tally the numbers. 

        I assume it has to be a regular report as the Summary Report doesn't create new fields, but uses transitory field names to display data?

        Bob T.