Forum Discussion

JeronimoGil's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 years ago

I would like to set notifications for minimum levels for different products within a product table. Suggestion box is WIDE open!

5 Replies

  • Hello, 

    The requirement I am seeing here: Send notification when products reach a minimum level in a product table. (determined by some comparison of QTY vs Min QTY)

    the easiest way would be to set each product with a minimum QTY, and create a report based on if the QTY<=Minimum QTY. Then have a daily subscription to that report.  

    This would provide a daily summary of products that have reached the threshold at the minimum, but would not be in real time. 

    A real time solution would require the use of an automation triggered by the use of the product via an edit operation. the automation could edit the product to trigger a notification if the qty threshold has been met for the minimum. I would need much more detail to help solution this process.

    Let me know if this helps.

  • Slider! I am new to QuickBase and learning as I go. 

    I agree with you and it is a start to a solution! 

    There is a products table, inventory adjustment table and serial numbers table. Some products have individual serial numbers (think iPhone) each product is the same but has its own serial number. Other products are bulk(think water bottle) no individual serial numbers. These are all medical devices so the details can be less than exciting. 
    I do need to set minimum available quantity levels. Example...I have 100 of one single product remaining. When the available amount of that product = 99, I would like a notification sent to the office manager so that another order can be placed for more. There are multiple products and I would like to set individual limits for each product. 

    I have setup a lot of the relationships in different tables although not as much...or hardly any formula work in QB at this time. Any suggestions are much appreciated.
  • Yes, I would need notification or a report at certain established levels for each product to notify the office that we need to order more of that individual product. 
    I would like to be able to adjust the notification based on qty levels. Busy months would need a higher # notification.

    Thank you for the help!
  • Step 1: add the field for Min QTY and set the values for all existing data.
    Step 2: create a report with columns that you want to send in the email and filters where the QTY<MIN QTY or QTY<=MIN QTY if you want to alert when they are less than or equal to the Minimum.
    Step 3: create a subscription notification type and use the new report as the content. 

    This is the simplest solution to send the daily report for all items that have reached the minimum threshold.