Forum Discussion

ColeenSchmitt1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
7 years ago

Is it possible to create a report link that drives to a specific report?


I have two tables: Billing Month & Forecasts that are not related but I use a report link to connect the two based on a date field. I'd like for the Report Link on Table #1 to drive to a filtered report on Table # 2. Is this possible?

Below is an example of the exact scenario I need to accomplish:

I have a report that lists out all of the Billing Months (ex: Dec. 2018). When I click on the Report Link for the Dec 2018 Billing Month record it drives to a report showing all Forecast Records available for December 2018. However, it would be helpful to take it one step further to only show Sold December 2018 Forecast Records. (Sold being indicated by a field on the Forecast table).

Not sure if there is a way to add additional criteria to a Report Link or if this could be accomplished through a Formula URL button but any ideas to solve for this would be greatly appreciated.

  • No problem. Make any report you like in terms of columns, sorts  and filters.

    Put the report link on the form as many times as you like.

    Then on the FORM properties, configure the respective Report Link fields to use your filtered (or not) report.
  • Thanks for the quick reply. However, I'm looking to house the Report Link on a Report, not a form. So essentially I'm looking to update the Drilldown report when clicking the Report Link Hyperlink. (same idea as the functionality thats available on the Form properties, just want to know if possible to do from a report)

    Thank you! 

  • OK, np.

    Make  your perfect report with an <ask the user> filter for the field [Related Parent]    .... ie [Related Table #1]

    Run the report manually and observe and mimic the URL you see when you answer the question.

    Make a URL formula field on the Table #1

    urlroot() & "db/" & [DBID_ of the table 2 from advanced settings]
    & "?a=q&qid=xx&nv=1&v0=" & [Record ID#]