Forum Discussion

ArchiveUser's avatar
Qrew Captain
12 years ago

Is it possible to insert three Grid Edit reports from three different tables into a Dashboard page? Should I use a iframe solution?

5 Replies

  • Hello,

    Unfortunately it's not currently possible to display a grid edit report on a dashboard, or through the API. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

    I would definitely take a minute if you can to put this on our product feedback site:
  • Yes it is possible using the ifv parameter. Just put HTML such as the following into a text section (while in HTML editing mode) on your dashboard:

    <iframe src="DBID?a=q&qid=1&dlta=mog~&ifv=1"></iframe>
    <iframe src="DBID?a=q&qid=5&dlta=mog~&ifv=1"></iframe>

    Suprisingly the ifv parameter is not a "flag" - it represents the offset in pixels the chromeless frame should be offset from the left (hard to believe but true).

    In this case we use an <iframe> but a better solution is to use Web Components and the Shadow DOM to insert encapsulated content into the dashboard. If you use an iframe, good luck sizing your iframe to deal with horizontal scrollbars.
    • CarlosCarlos's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      How do you get the save/cancel buttons to display on a pop-up grid edit report?
      I'm using a similar approach, and the report displays fine, but no save buttons.

      using the &ifv=1 then no buttons are displayed.. if i remove it then the whole quickbase menus, tables, etc. appear.
  • While Dan offers a great suggestion, manipulating the DOM is not something that is supported or recomended by QuickBase.
  • QuickBase does not need to support Web Components - only your browser needs to support it and eventually will. In fact, this <textarea> which I am typing my reply into is in fact composed of two <div>s in the hidden Shadow DOM. Check the web inspector screenshot I have attached if you don't believe me.

    As used with QuickBase, Web Components will allow you to create custom tags which you can drop into your dashbaord text section and import blocks of functionality such as a report. In this style:

    <qbreport dbid="foobarbaz" qid="6"></qbreport>