Forum Discussion

KyleMartin's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Issue with Report Filters Not Functioning Properly

Hey All,

I am having an issue with my custom reports that I have created. I have about 18 different evaluations that I want to have their own report (where it only shows the responses to "Evaluation A" in "Report A").

In order to do this, I created a hidden variable in each evaluation and then set the default value to a defined value (see below):

I then used this hidden variable as my filter in the reports, where it only populates the report when that specific variable equals the default value (see below):

The issue is that the filter is not filtering anything out. All responses to all evaluations still appear on every report. The 6 responses shown below were not from the "Health Professional QA" evaluation, which is the only evaluation where the hidden variable "Eval_Type_HealthProf" even exists. So why is it saying that there are 6 evaluations where "Eval_Type_HealthProf is Health/Professional QA" (the default value for that variable and the filter criteria) when the variable "Eval_Type_HealthProf" does not even exist in those evaluations?

I have checked the specific variables and it shows that they are used only in the correct evaluations, so I am not sure where the disconnect is occurring:

Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated! I can provide more information or screenshots if needed!

Thank You,

Kyle M.

Kyle Martin
  • If you just applied this default value; you will need to back-populate existing records.  The default value only gets applied on NEW records after you set the default.

    Laura Thacker IDS
    • KyleMartin's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hey Laura,

      Yes these are new records. They are all test entries that I input in order to see if my tables were working. The default values were set prior to me testing.


      Kyle Martin
      • ChristineSuarez's avatar
        Qrew Cadet
        Out of curiosity, if you put your hidden variable fields directly in the reports, do the fields appear to actually contain the values?

        Christine Suarez
  • I probably should have led with this instead. So, every evaluation is going to have a value for all the "hidden variable" fields you created. For instance, when you create evaluation #2, Eval_Type_HealthProf will always contain the default value of "Health/Professional QA" regardless of the type of eval it actually is. In other words, every record you create with that setup with all contain all the default values for all the hidden variable fields, so they're all going to show up on every report. Hope that makes sense. ​

    Christine Suarez
    • KyleMartin's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Christine, I am not sure that I follow.

      The only evaluation that contains the variable "Eval_Type_HealthProf" is "Health Professional QA". If looking at another evaluation, say "RCDP", it would contain the variable "Eval_Type_RCDP", which would be tied to the appropriate default value.

      So I set my reports up for "Health Professional QA" to only show responses where "Eval_Type_HealthProf contains Health Professional QA" (which is the default value, also the name of the eval). Why is it all of a sudden acting as if the variable "Eval_Type_HealthProf" is a part of every evaluation, when it is not?

      If I am completing the "RCDP" evaluation, I can see that the variable "Eval_Type_HealthProf" is not a part of that evaluation. Yet, when I go to the "Health Professional QA" report, that response from my "RCDP" eval pops up. It even tells me in the report that there is a response where  "Eval_Type_HealthProf contains Health Professional QA". Which is impossible because that variable does not exist in the "RCDP" evaluation.

      Kyle Martin
      • ChristineSuarez's avatar
        Qrew Cadet
        Just so we're on the same page - you have a single table called "Evaluations Settings," right? I assume that's where you store each Evaluation record (regardless of type)? And you've created 18 different variables (which I'm assuming you're actually referring to fields in the table) for each type of evaluation, each with a corresponding default value.

        Referring to this part in your last response: "Eval_Type_HealthProf contains Health Professional QA". Which is impossible because that variable does not exist in the "RCDP" evaluation."

        This is what I was getting at - your "RCDP" evaluation does in fact have a "Eval_Type_HealthProf" variable (I think what you mean is field here). Your "RCDP" has a value for every variable (field) you created. Every time you create a field, it exists for all records you create in your evaluations table. 

        Does that help? Happy to try to show you in another way. Try this: create a new report and include all of the fields you refer to as variables in it. I'd every record/evaluation, regardless of what type you intended them to be, will have a default value in every field.

        Christine Suarez
  • Can you explain whether your "hidden variable" is a Formula-Field or a Formula-Field referencing a "Variable" at the App Level.   A variable cannot/will not pickup-data from a record in a table; but a record in a table CAN reference a Variable value (app level).  If your field on the left is a Formula-Field; then check your Formula-Field is populated correctly; and that it is not a List-Text field because your criteria "is equal to" will not work on a List-Text option field; it must be contains or includes.  Also "is equal to" is specific and will not work if the text value is not exactly the same - then use "contains" instead.

    Laura Thacker IDS