Forum Discussion
The query itself is not complex, there are just multiple phases for it. For simplicity I am trying to do a cartesian join and several inner (or left) joins.
To start, I have two tables, a list of shirt colors and a list of names. The first step is to create a new third table, with every possible combination of color and name. So for example, 3 colors and 3 people would yield a table with 9 rows.
Does quickbase support this functionality?
Most of us this Community Forum don't come from an SQL programming background, so as soon as you talk inner and outer joins, we get lost. So we appreciate you dumbing down the ask for us here.
One solution is to is to create that third table and have a Custom key field which is say a hyphenated concatenation of the name and the size like Fred Flintstone-M
Then have a Pipeline run create a Bulk upsert, and then search the Table of names, and then inside the resulting For Each Loop, search the Table of sizes, and then ad a row to the Bulk upsert.
Then outside those loops Commit the upsert.
You would have to decide when to trigger the pipeline.