Forum Discussion

RyanShook's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

Looking for a report strategy

I am looking for a way to create a report for schools that have not reported attendance that day. 

I have a parent schools table.
I have a child table used for total enrollment per day which gets the school name from the parent schools table.  

I want to create a report on the child table which tells me, for that day, which schools have not reported attendance. Thankfully I only have 136 schools. Somehow the child table needs to make a comparison, for that day, against the parent table for what schools are missing. 

I am relatively new Quickbase user and I have exhausted my current skill set trying to come up with a way. Any strategies would be greatly appreciated.

Ryan Shook

2 Replies

  • np
    On the relationship make a summary field of the # of Children where the Reporting Date is equal to Today.   Set the checkbox on that field to treat blank as zero.   Call it [# of of Attendance Reports for Today]

    Then make a Report on the Parent Schools table where [# of of Attendance Reports for Today] = 0.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • RyanShook's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      You are a lifesaver. Not only that, you just taught me a technique that I carry over to many other tables. Thank you so much!





      ------Original Message------

      On the relationship make a summary field of the # of Children where the Reporting Date is equal to Today.   Set the checkbox on that field to treat blank as zero.   Call it [# of of Attendance Reports for Today]

      Then make a Report on the Parent Schools table where [# of of Attendance Reports for Today] = 0.

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
      Quick Base Solution Provider
      Your Quick Base Coach