Forum Discussion

KieronMullan's avatar
Qrew Trainee
6 months ago

MIME Pipeline issue

Hi, pipeline guru's

We suddenly started getting the following pipeline error to an email template that we have in the application, but there have been no changes made to the template or form, but its preventing the email being sent to the user.   Any suggestions on what we should be focusing on to resolve this?   

Remote service reported an error: A supported MIME type could not be found that matches the content type of the response. None of the supported type(s) 'Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaType, Microsoft.OData.ODataMediaTyp...' matches the content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'.

  • Hi KieronMullan,

    We also started getting this in some of our pipelines beginning on 9/25. Today, I may have found a fix. I'm not sure why, but I tried placing my email content inside a <div> instead of using straight html and it seemed to fix the issue as our pipelines are running without the error now.

    Hope that helps,


  • This error we faced as well since last week and resolved this by fully removing and re setting up our outlook channels. However, in return we are now faced with an authentication error that disconnects our outlook channels every 60-90 minutes. "Remote API returned authentication error: (invalid_request) AADSTS900144: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'refresh_token'. ". I logged a support case since almost a week with QB but unfortunately no resolution. Also just posted a discussion on that in this forum to see if others have found resolutions to that.

    • JackDingee's avatar
      Qrew Member

      We have the same issue. Why is QB not supporting?

    • QuickbaseDevel1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      I can state our issue has been resolved last Friday. Whether it be by our only actions changing Microsoft and Sentra settings on offline access and application settings and/or with changes done by Quickbase. We have received little updates from the support team but would like toe believe Quickbase also made some changes.

      so resting outlook channel from scratch and reconnecting pipelines did solve our MIME issues. And whilst that resulted in refresh token errors that is now also resolved.

  • MariaPeralta's avatar
    Community Manager

    Hi KieronMullan, 

    This one definitely feels like a support case. Please give them CSR access to your pipeline so they can look over it's past runs. This FAQ explains how if you've never had to before:



  • Thanks Maria, I have raised a support case.  Appreciate the quick response!

  • Thanks Maria, unfortunately that domain is blocked in our organization due to inherent risks.