Formula Field and Pipeline Issue
Me again...: )
I have a formula field that combines the selections in 2 different fields. The result of which is copied to another field when the form/record is saved. (This is to create a relationship filed to another table.) - This step works as expected.
I have a checkbox that looks to see if there is a record in the related table for the value in the relationship field. Unchecked, no record. Checked, record. - This step works as expected.
I have a pipeline that is set that when a record is created, if the box is unchecked, then create a new record in the related table using the relationship field as the primary key. No other fields from the parent table are copied. - This step appears to start too "early" as the resulting created records do not have the correct relationship field.
Scenario - user selects create new record and must select a Property and then select a Year. The formula field on the form is a simple concatenation ([Unit - Related Property/Asset]&" - "&[Policy Year]). The formula field will update once a Property is selected and then again when the Year is selected. - This step works as expected.
The checkbox field looks to see if the combined field has a related record on another table and will be checked if so and remain unchecked if not. - This step works as expected.
I believe the problem is that the pipeline appears to be kicking off after making the first selection instead of when the user actually saves the record. I assumed that the record isn't "created" until you actually save it as you could cancel it...but that does not seem to be the case.
So first, I guess I need confirmation on when a record is "actually" created per pipeline definitions. If it is actually when the add new record button is selected or when the first selection on a form is made, then I will need to determine a work around.
If the fault is lying with the formula field itself, is there anyway to tell a formula field when to actually "formulate"? Meaning, can I somehow tell that field to only calculate on closing the form?