Multi-Select Fields with Commas in Pipelines
I have a text field in one table that I need to use to populate a multi-select text field in another table via Pipelines. The text field contains a semi-colon-delimited list of people, including their name and title separated by a comma (Person 1, AA; Person 2, BB). This format is required for our purposes and cannot be changed.
I have already created a multi-select formula helper field in my original table using the Split() function to translate these values to the correct format prior to using Pipelines to copy them to the other table. In my original table, the formula multi-select values appear correctly:
- Person 1, AA
- Person 2, BB
However, once Pipelines copies the value, it seems to be exploding and recreating the multi-select options and now also considering the commas to be a delimiter, so my resulting values look like:
- Person 1
- AA
- Person 2
- BB
I assume this is a bug and not intended behavior so I will submit a support ticket, but in the meantime, does anyone have a workaround for how to get the result to populate correctly without seeing the comma as a delimiter?