Forum Discussion

JohnJohn2's avatar
Qrew Trainee
8 years ago

multi select text limits. is there a trick to fix this?

When creating a new bid record we would like to chose from a list of all available general contractors to show which ones we have bid to.

This has been working fine with the multi select text field until our company list grew above 50. Once all entries are made we should have well over 500 companies in this table. This kills our method of entry using the multi select text field on forms.

Anyone know a cool way to get around the 50 choice limit?

3 Replies

  • You will need to create a child table of Bidders.  I have a native QuickBase technique which you can contact me about if you want to have a quicker method to multi select than just adding them one by one.
  • I am reliving this issue right now!  I am creating an assignment table and pulling from a resource table.  There can be multiple resources per assignment.  I was able to trick the system, but dog slow.  Would love to hear from you!
  • Contact me via the information on my website for a demo. I will contact you and do a quick GoToMeeting session so you can see how it works.