Forum Discussion

ColemanDuCharme's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Multiple-condition form rules not working (what am I doing wrong?)

Hello all,

Have a multiple condition form rule set up to change a certain field and make it read-only when certain options are selected from a drop-down menu further up the form. No form rule warning here, so not sure why the multiple condition rule is not triggering on the specified field. 

When "RV Site", or "Tent Camping" is selected from the uppermost drop-down menu, the "location field" is meant to change to "spring creek park" (as per the rules shown in the first image), and become read-only. Beating my head against the wall trying to figure out why this isn't working.

Thank you.

Coleman DuCharme

7 Replies

  • Try deselecting that very bottom checkbox on the form rule at the very bottom so that the Rule does in fact fire all the time.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • ColemanDuCharme's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Hey Mark, 

      Unchecking the box did not change anything.

      Coleman DuCharme
  • DougHenning1's avatar
    Community Manager
    Your criteria for Rule 2 is incorrect, it's triggering on "Type of Request" to be "RV Site" and "Tent Camping", but it should be using "or" logic.


    Doug Henning
    • ColemanDuCharme's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Hey Doug, I currently have "any" selected. I was under the impression that selecting "any" was the "or" option in this case. Selecting "all" would definitely be "and" logic.

      Coleman DuCharme
      • DougHenning1's avatar
        Community Manager
        Hi Coleman,

        The problem is that it's configured so the "any" is in addition to the "When" condition. You need to select "Multiple conditions" to do the any/or condition:

        Hope that helps!

        Doug Henning