Forum Discussion

MarkCorcoran's avatar
Qrew Cadet
4 years ago

Need Help with API_ChangeRecordOwner Webhook

I'm writing a webhook that fires when the field [QBO Invoice ID] is changed in table "A"  (ie.. not blank).

The webhook is needed to change the record owner of a record in another table "B" where [QBO Invoice ID] is the key field.

Here is the webhook:

The error I'm getting is this:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<errtext>Unknown user</errtext>
<errdetail>Sorry, no user billRec was found with the email address (or user name) of &quot;Sean XXXX &lt;60048862.dn96&gt;&quot;.</errdetail>

Not sure why this is happening if I'm just using the user from table "A" and changing it on table "B".

Any help would be appreciated.

Mark Corcoran
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