Forum Discussion

NolanPilozo's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Opening different forms in edit mode at different parts of a process


I'm trying to make a button that opens a specific form in edit mode depending on where the record is in a process.

Using URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_EXAMPLE] & "?a=er&rid=" & [Record ID#] I was able to get a button that opens the form in edit mode, but it only opened the form that had a role associated with it open in edit mode (i.e. Role has Edit Form (Full site) set to Form 2 instead of blank. When changed to blank it went back to default form).

I want to be able to have it open Form 2 in edit mode at one point in the process, open Form 3 in edit mode at another point the in the process, etc.

Nolan Pilozo
  • The syntax is this

    URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_EXAMPLE] & "?a=er&dfid=xx&rid=" & [Record ID#]

    so the parameter is &dfid  and you see the Form ID's in the list of forms.

    So you might do

    var text FormNumber = IF(....., "10", ....""11")

    URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_EXAMPLE] & "?a=er&dfid=" & $FormNumber & "&rid=" & [Record ID#]

    so you might do this

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)

    • NolanPilozo's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Thanks Mark! I was just getting stuck at the "?a=er&dfid=xx&rid=" as I wasn't sure what to add/remove/edit 

      Nolan Pilozo