Forum Discussion

PaulPeterson1's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
3 years ago

Pipeline Clear Multi-Select Text field

I need to clear the value of a multi-select text field as the last step in a pipeline.  But the only options available are the ones in field properties.  Is there an equivalent for the {{CLEAR}} that is used to clear out a date field that will work for multi-select text fields?

Paul Peterson
    • PaulPeterson1's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      Yes, {{CLEAR}} was the first thing I tried.  It is removed from the field value text box the moment I tab out of the box.

      Then, once I move out of the text box:

      Paul Peterson
      • QuickBaseJunkie's avatar
        Qrew Captain
        You should see a little pencil next to the 3 bars on the right (may need to hover over the empty field to see it).

        After clicking on it, you should be able to enter the {{CLEAR}} and have it stick.

        An example of this is in this Top 5 Simple Pipeline Hacks post at the very end.


        Quick Base Junkie
        Quick Base Junkie